Lynne Wenberg-Davidson

Lynne Wenberg-Davidson is the Skagit MRC representative on the Northwest Straits Commission. Lynne brings a corporate leadership background from Boeing and holds an MBA from the University of Washington. Since retiring to Anacortes, she has followed her love of the sea through boating, kayaking, fishing, and volunteerism in the marine environment. She graduated from the Salish Sea Stewards community science program and joined their Advisory Committee, as well as, the Skagit MRC in 2020.
She is currently vice chair of the Skagit MRC and represents the Skagit Land Trust as a board member. She leads the Skagit Bull Kelp Kayak monitoring, and Bowman Bay Beach Stewardship and Seining. Her other volunteerism includes forage fish surveys, and European green crab outreach and monitoring.