Tim Ellis

Tim Ellis is the Snohomish MRC representative on the Northwest Straits Commission and the current Chair. He's a retired IT manager with a business degree, who turned towards life at the beach by becoming a Beach Watcher in 2015. In addition to serving on the MRC, he is the Beach Watcher project lead for Department of Ecology water sampling for Snohomish County (BEACH), as well as the lead at Mukilteo Lighthouse Park for youth education and beach naturalist activities.
Each year he: grows 100+ garlic plants, harvests 10,000 mason bees from 50 boxes, plinks on and tunes pianos, and tries to raise his bowling average. He bicycles everywhere he can in the rare non-inclement weather in Puget Sound. He and his wife Jayne volunteer for the Nick-of-Time foundation, and often visit their son in Tokyo, Japan.