Judy Surber
Jefferson MRC

For over 15 years, Judy Surber has served on the Jefferson MRC, bringing a wealth of knowledge on land-use planning and monitoring. Judy was asked to join the MRC when the need for a liaison between the City of Port Townsend and the MRC arose in 2001. Since then she’s spent several years as chair, using her valuable skills in facilitating public process and building consensus.
Judy remembers the historical efforts to get boaters to anchor out from the eelgrass beds in Port Townsend and now leads the MRC’s voluntary no-anchor zone project. She helped design the slogan 'Anchor out for Eelgrass' adorning the large surface buoys installed by divers each spring.
When she’s not volunteering on the MRC, Judy can be found beachcombing, kayaking, and horseback riding in the sand. Thank you to this gem of an MRC member for her continued dedication to Jefferson MRC and the Northwest Straits Initiative!